Jeroen Vercruysse started his offshore career in 2002 at the University of Ghent, dept. of Marine Geology, as a seismic engineer.

There he learned the inspiring challenges of the underwater research.



In 2006, he founded Rovin and initially offered ROV and SSS services.

After a few years working onboard commercial and research vessels, he decided to change the course of Rovin and represent inspiring underwater technology companies in Belgium or Europe.



Together with Jean-Jacques De Rey, who has more than 20 years of experience in the sector,  and Bernard Dewulf, the technical wonderman of Rovin and having the most experience of us all, he is proud to represent Sequoia Scientific, NKE Instrumentation and Seaber in the Benelux area and France.


Bernard Dewulf is the only man in Belgium that can maintain and calibrate ODOM’s acoustic products.

He is assisting Rovin in servicing all the instruments and is specialised in aligning the Lisst instruments from Sequoia.

He has also an extensive experience in designing deployment frames.

Bernard is fully trained by Sequoia Scientific Inc.




Rovin BV

Muiterij 9

9660 Brakel



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